Posted by Union Chapel Communications Team on

Do you ever wonder about the impact of Union Chapel on our community? In just the past week, our congregation has served about 200 hot meals, provided food and assistance to two families in distress and two homeless individuals, helped to connect an estranged teen with his mother, and provided...

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Tags: benevolence, community impact, indiana, indianapolis, indianápolis, nora, service, union chapel indy, united methodist church

A Life of Service

Posted by Andy Charnstrom on

Dear Friends:   Last week, the message in worship was about seeking--seeking purpose, seeking meaning, seeking one another and, most of all, seeking God.  We considered wise men and shepherds and angels and gleaming stars; we considered, also, a frightened tyrant, a...

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Tags: christian, gospel of john, indianapolis, indianápolis, jesus, sacrifice, service, union chapel indy, united methodist church