Act Local. Love Global. October's Missions Month @Union Chapel

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Act local. Love Global. No need to pack your bags! There's plenty of work to do in our own community. This month, Union Chapel is highlighting the importance of our mission in the world... and celebrating the good work that is ongoing in our church. If you are looking for an opportunity...

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Tags: church, missions, union, chapel, october, month, methodist, united, indianapolis

Tell Me More about "Hearts & Hands"

Posted by Union Chapel Communications Team on

The Hearts and Hands Ministry is a dedicated group of individuals who typically meet every other Monday here at Union Chapel with the expressed purpose of providing physical and spiritual comfort to individuals through the gift of a handmade fleece tie quilt.     Making the quilts is...

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Tags: church, ministry, hearts, union, chapel, comfort, indy, methodist, and, quilt, united, indiana, indianapolis, ands

We're 'Appy To See You!

Posted by Union Chapel Communications Team on

Hello, Church Family! We are so excited to announce the new Union Chapel Indy app! The Church isn’t a building  -- it’s the people, and we want to make sure that everyone can stay connected to Union Chapel whenever and wherever they are. Our app will change the way we connect...

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Tags: union, chapel, unionchapel, unionchapelapp

Fair Trade Holiday Bazaar Calls for Vendors

Posted by Union Chapel Communications Team on

Nov 2 Fair Trade Fair: Call Out for Vendors!   What a joy it was last year to partner with Global Gifts Fair Trade Nonprofit and local producers, artisans, and other do-gooders to provide a venue for good missions and good goods! The response was overwhelmingly positive so, of...

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Tags: church, union, chapel, holiday, fair, methodist, trade, doing, united, indiana, indianapolis, bazaar, goods, fare

Sunday Night: Intergenerational Vacation Bible School Day Two

Posted by Lisa Lorentz on

Sunday brings Night Two of our very popular Intergenerational Vacation Bible School and you don't want to miss it! We're looking forward to another fun-filled night of learning and laughing. Just a hint: the snacks we're planning are going to be grrrrrreat and Noah will make another appearance!...

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Tags: ark, bible, chapel, children, church, genesis, génesis, indiana, indianapolis, indianápolis, indy, intergenerational, kids, methodist, noah, school, union, united, vacation


Posted by Union Chapel Communications Team on

As Union Chapel moves into the future, we take a moment to appreciate where we've been. Our history is rich, the faith of our forefathers reaching back to Indiana's "pioneer days." Here, we present episode four of five. If you've found yourself in the middle of the story, the other installments...

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Tags: chapel, history, indiana, indianapolis, indianápolis, union, united methodist church
