At the Table: A Picnic

Sometimes when we meet a person outside of the usual context we might not recognize them. For example, when we encounter the doctor's receptionist at the grocery, we might not recall their name or recognize them at all! Then when they speak, or smile, or extend their hand, the familiarity of those actions place the person for you. Suddenly you remember exactly who they are! Following Jesus' death, no one expected to see him again. Even those closest to him did not understand that he would return, nor what that experience would be like. So when Jesus shows up to walk with two of his followers on the road to Emmaus, they don't recognize him. Only when Jesus performs the familiar act of breaking bread and offering wine to them do they realize who they are with. In Scripture Jesus often revealed himself at the table. He does the same today. Come, have a seat, meet the Master. Worship Link:

Adventures in Prayer Week 3: Surrender

When was the last time you surrendered something? When did you last give up something of value or concede your victory to another? It's probably not a positive memory. We tend to think of surrendering as something negative. For many of us it means admitting we are not good enough; that we've been outplayed or outsmarted. But giving up something can also be helpful and healthy. To give up something that commands too much time on our calendar means that we have more time for the things we care more about. To surrender priorities such as success and wealth means that we can pursue other important things that serve our families and others. Is there anything you might give up to grow in grace and peace and walk more closely with the One who loves you the most? Surrender might not be such a bad thing after all! Worship Link:

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