Keep On Keeping On

So much of our lives are marked by beginnings and endings, by starts and finishes. We memorialize the first day of school each year for our children with photos, and then we close the year with parties and celebrations. Graduations from preschool, grade school, high school and college mark both the ending of an era, and the beginning of a new chapter in a student's life. A race or a ball game begins with both civic and sports-related ceremonies and then ends crowning a victor. Even a parade is book-ended with lights and sirens and flags and waving! Over the last month Union Chapel UMC has marked the closing of Pastor Andy Charnstrom's active career in ministry as they've thanked Pastor Andy for his service and leadership and wished him well in his retirement. This ending opens to a new beginning, as well. Today marks the first Sunday of Pastor Elizabeth Gilbert's service at Union Chapel. Beginnings and endings bring questions and sometimes concerns. We both grieve what is past and give thanks for all the good it held. We look to the future with questions, concerns, anticipation, or excitement. We know that change is inevitable - and usually a good thing - and it's hard - and we don't always like it. But we also know that Jesus is in all of it, and the great work that God has started at Union Chapel, God will continue and complete. Today we give God thanks for God's faithfulness in all things, including all that God is doing - and will continue to do - in and through the people, ministry and mission of Union Chapel United Methodist Church! Worship link:
