First Love

Do you remember your first love? When every thought was about that person? When you couldn't get - or give - enough time and attention with them? When we fall in love, our heart takes the lead and inspires us to words and actions of adoration, affection and service. Being a follower of Jesus is also a matter of the heart. For all that we love about our lives - and our lives of faith - the Bible invites us to return continually to our First Love. Jesus invites us to fall in love with him every day, and live in love with him, our First Love. Worship Link:

Football Sunday 2021

It's Football Sundaaaaaaaay! Don your favorite jersey, grab your tailgate snacks and get ready for a special worship experience! We might be tempted to think that football is the only thing on the minds and hearts of championship players -- that they are driven solely by the hope of football success and celebrity. But these players have a different story to tell - a much more important story... Hold on tight and get ready to be ENERGIZED! Worship link:

Detours may delay one's arrival, but arrival is assured - and we see and experience some amazing things when we wander off the beaten path; especially when we wander with God! Worship link:

The Art of the Journey: Dead Ends

Have you ever encountered a dead end when you are driving? We all have. And just as surely, we have all experienced dead ends in our lives - those predicaments and situations from which we don't see a way out. But don't despair. We are not alone at those dead ends. Jesus is right there with us. And dead ends are never dead ends with Jesus. Jesus always provides a way forward. Worship Link:

Today's Worship Experience: Have you ever found yourself lost? Or winding your way through unfamiliar territory... feeling very alone. Life - and faith - can feel that way at times. Trust, however, that you are never alone and never without a Guide and Helper. Discovering the Art of the Journey means discovering joy, adventure, and meaning in the journey of life and faith. Worship Link:

... and More

Memories of Christmas are still fresh in our minds. Though Christmas may have been 'distanced,' we still found ways to connect with family, to give and receive gifts, to worship on Christmas Eve, and to enjoy favorite movies, cookies, and traditions. And on New Year's Eve, we said goodbye to 2020 - with maybe too much enthusiasm - and welcomed what we sincerely hope will be a better year. But now - - - The extra pounds, the extra bills, and that extra-tired feeling we can't seem to shake makes us wonder if it was all worth it. We enjoy so much in our lives at Christmas and throughout the year. We pack our calendars full of experiences, activities, responsibilities, and events, and yet, we often find our lives lacking the joy we thought it would all bring. How can a life that is so full feel so empty? What's missing? What more could we possibly do to add meaning to this life? Worship Link:

Our New Year Hopes

January always brings New Year Resolutions in some form or fashion. It's a season that lends itself to new starts, new goals and objectives, new - or renewed - hopes and dreams for yourself, your family, and your future. Maybe for you this year the objective is to lose weight, or exercise more, or get healthy. Your hope might be to find the perfect mate, the perfect job, or the perfect house. You might be planning to start back to school this year, or start a new hobby, or start being on-time more often. Our New Year hopes, dreams, and ambitions generally grow out of a desire for more... more health, wealth, satisfaction, or happiness; more time for relaxing, working, being with family, or travel; more energy, more peace, more patience, or more motivation. But in organizing our futures around our own hopes and dreams for more, we might be missing out on the 'more' that God has for us. God hopes even greater things for us than we can hope for ourselves. With God, there is more to us, for us, and in us, than we can imagine! Worship Link:

Christmas Worship

In the United Methodist tradition, every congregation is connected with every other congregation in ministry and mission. We share not only a common heritage but also a common call to serve our communities with grace and love. And on Sunday, December 27, we share a common worship experience! Worship with Union Chapel Indy on Sunday, December 27, 2020, has been crafted and prepared by Indiana's Resident Bishop, Julius Trimble; the Indiana United Methodist Conference Staff; and individuals and groups from around our Indiana United Methodist connection. It is a special opportunity, indeed, to be able to worship with United Methodists from across the state - and beyond! In celebration of Christmas, be blessed as you receive a message from Bishop Trimble, Scripture read by laity and pastors throughout the Conference, as well as contributions by children, musicians, and youth from local United Methodist Churches around the state. May you know joy and peace we continue to celebrate the Christ Child's birth! Merry Christmas! Worship Link:

As we prepare to celebrate this most holy night, we invite you to gather into your space your advent wreath, if you've been using one this season. And you might also want to gather additional candles, one for each person worshiping in your location. Of course, if you don't have these things nearby, please don't give it another thought. Worship Link:

What Child Is This: Joseph

The lyrics of the famous Christmas carol, "What Child Is This?", were written in 1865 by an Englishman named William Chatterton Dix. The song poses an important question worth pondering: "Who is this baby in the Bethlehem manger?" while working one's way through the various stanzas of the hymn. It is interesting to note the characters mentioned overtly such as the Christ child, His mother Mary, shepherds, angels and even two forms of feeding livestock. While not specifically named, the recognizable actions of the wise men are referenced as the ones who brought their well-known gifts of incense, gold, and myrrh. All the characters normally present in a Nativity display are accounted for except one. Who is missing from the stable scene? Joseph. There is no mention of the man who would help raise the "Son of Mary." The primary man who would love and invest himself in the life of this special child is not mentioned in this classic Christmas song. Even in Scripture only a few of Joseph's actions are recorded during the early years of his relationship with Mary and into Jesus 'early life, and none of Joseph's words remain in print. Only Joseph's actions of obedience, care, and presence are mentioned. But Joseph was present at the manger. He was present before the manger. He was present after the manger. He was present at least up through Jesus' twelfth birthday as recorded in Luke 2:41-52. What child is this? He is a child adopted by a father who loved him. What child is this? The One who makes the way for us to enter in to God's family, too. Worship link:
