Adventures in Prayer Week 3: Surrender

When was the last time you surrendered something? When did you last give up something of value or concede your victory to another? It's probably not a positive memory. We tend to think of surrendering as something negative. For many of us it means admitting we are not good enough; that we've been outplayed or outsmarted. But giving up something can also be helpful and healthy. To give up something that commands too much time on our calendar means that we have more time for the things we care more about. To surrender priorities such as success and wealth means that we can pursue other important things that serve our families and others. Is there anything you might give up to grow in grace and peace and walk more closely with the One who loves you the most? Surrender might not be such a bad thing after all! Worship Link:

There is so much to do on any given day, we all do our best to employ the latest and greatest efficiency techniques... lists, notes, delegating, planners of all kinds. We are willing to do whatever it takes to get more done! Even as followers of Jesus we sense the need to be efficient and productive. There is so much to be done that we often sacrifice our time with Jesus to be about the business of Jesus. And besides, spending time with Jesus in prayer is so... so... nebulous. We don't know what to say, and we don't very often sense that God is even listening or that it really matters that we say anything at all. Roadblocks abound when it comes to praying and spending time with Jesus. Feeling the need to get things done is one of the biggest. But Jesus and the early church held praying as one of the highest priorities of the spiritual life. Maybe those roadblocks are the ideal place to pause and refocus our time with the Divine. Worship Link:

Adventures in Prayer, Week 1

Many journeys have begun with dreams of high adventure and amazing discoveries! To see new things and experience unfamiliar people and places will be so exciting! But as we begin to make our plans, it is often the case that the hoped-for high adventure turns into a rather safe excursion. We map out our route, collect all the supplies we’ll need, book hotels, buy tickets, set timelines, load the car, and head out with the intention of going exactly where we’ve planned in as safe and easy a manner as possible. What was to be an adventure turns out to be just another road trip, and then we’re back to the grind of work, school, and regular life. What would it be like to launch out on a real adventure, an expedition where we didn’t know where we were going or what we would experience along the way? Now that would be exciting! And that is exactly what God calls us to. A journey with Jesus, facilitated by prayer and an open heart, can be the greatest adventure we’ve ever had! Worship Link:

Fish Stories

Worship Link: Everyday is so very full of so very many things… to-do’s, appointments, work, kids, meals, chores, family, and so much more. Daily life requires out attention, focus, and energy - - and lots of all three! But each day also holds so much blessing, wonder, and joy. God is at work in each moment to remind of us who God is, what God hopes for us, and how good God really is. Where has God been showing up in your life recently? A miraculous catch of fish gave the first followers of Jesus a sneak peak at the fullness of life that was possible with Jesus. Where are you catching a peek of God's goodness, provision, and abundance? This Sunday we tell our own fish stories, celebrating where we’ve seen God showing up for us and others...

Andy (he/him/his) and his husband, Travis (he/him/his), relocated to Indianapolis from San Diego in March of 2023. Andy has been using his gifts and talents in churches of many denominations and traditions since he was fifteen years of age. Andy is a well-known and acclaimed choral conductor and church musician. He has conducted the Voices of Our City Choir, a choir for those experiencing homelessness in San Diego, to the Semi-Finals on America's Got Talent. His choir from Pioneer Ocean View United Church of Christ in San Diego was invited to sing at Carnegie Hall, and he was the Guest Artistic Director for the San Diego Gay Men's Chorus bringing the chorus back to the stage after Covid. Andy has also performed as vocalist at Carnegie Hall, on the flight deck of the USS Theodore Roosevelt for the Navy's celebration of Pride, and on stages across America and parts of Europe. He has performed in choir's, operas, musicals, and as a soloist for many different groups and events. Worship Link:

Ben Franklin is often credited with saying, " this world, nothing is certain except death and taxes." We might add to that list - change. All living things change whether we like it or not. And movement through change can be anxiety-producing and painful. That time between what was, and what is yet to be, is full of questions, uncertainties, and fear. But it can also be a time of great discovery and rich opportunity. To cross the threshold between the old and new can be scary, but it's made easier with friends who care and will walk with you. This week in Music in the Key of Faith, we welcome singers from the local Indianapolis Chapter of Threshold Choirs, an organization that brings music to the bedside of the ill and dying. With their music and story we will discover more of what it means to face transitions and change in life with friends who care and will join us at the threshold to a new season... Worship Link:

This week, we welcome the Rev. Dr. Carolyn Scanlan Holmes and Michael Read to share their stories of music and faith as we continue "Music in the Key of Faith." Very few of our lives have followed a nice, neat path taking us to the very places we've always wanted to be. More often our lives are a series of plot twists, scene changes, and unexpected events. But it's in the unpredictable journey that we experience joy, meet amazing people, and discover we are being made into something new and beautiful. As make our way through life, we continue to be alert to God's ongoing work in us and in the world, trusting that God will do such amazing things in our lives, that we won't be able to "round up enough containers to hold everything God generously pours into our lives through the Holy Spirit!" (Romans 5:5 MSG) ... Worship Link:

Joy expresses itself in countless ways... deep belly laughs, squeals of glee, hugs and high fives, broad smiles, and even jumping up and down. When we experience joy it's just impossible to keep it to ourselves. Joy always makes itself known! The joy we know in the God who is love, who pours limitless blessing and grace into our lives, who is "merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness" (Exodus 34:6), is no different. This deep joy pours out in our worship, our living, our relationships, and our loving. Sometimes it is in words of praise, sometimes in dancing, sometimes in generosity, and often times in music and singing. However you do it, "make a joyful noise to the Lord," in celebration of God's goodness and grace! As we continue the series "Music in the Key of Faith," we welcome The Storeytellers Jazz Band... worship link:

We are all so gifted and talented in so many ways. Some of us are good with people, some have abilities with numbers and business, some are skilled craftspeople, some are artists that create beautiful things to see, hear, and experience. We all want to do the things we do well, and to take pride in our efforts. As followers of Jesus, we are also encouraged to do things in a way that glorifies (reveals) God. Whatever we do, for our jobs or in other areas of our lives, we are invited to manage well the many gifts and abilities we've received so that others can see God more clearly. As we continue the series "Music in the Key of Faith," we welcome Zoe Wiltrout, pianist and organist, to share her gift of music and her story of faith... worship link:

The Divine reveals itself in countless ways. Some find God in nature, some in Scripture, some through silence, and some through music, just name a few. It has been said about music specifically, that, "God gave us music that we might pray without words." Music has been a part of the sacred experience across nearly every spiritual tradition for as long as humanity has kept any kind of record. There are those across the centuries, and still today, who give generously of themselves and their gifts to help us all experience and connect with God through music. This week the Rev. Mary Dicken brings her harp to share her music and story in worship, and to guide us into an experience with the Holy. Many thanks to Pastor Mary for her presence and ministry! worship link:

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