The Divine reveals itself in countless ways. Some find God in nature, some in Scripture, some through silence, and some through music, just name a few. It has been said about music specifically, that, "God gave us music that we might pray without words." Music has been a part of the sacred experience across nearly every spiritual tradition for as long as humanity has kept any kind of record. There are those across the centuries, and still today, who give generously of themselves and their gifts to help us all experience and connect with God through music. This week the Rev. Mary Dicken brings her harp to share her music and story in worship, and to guide us into an experience with the Holy. Many thanks to Pastor Mary for her presence and ministry! worship link:

It’s been said that going to “church,” i.e. attending a worship gathering, doesn’t make one a Christian anymore than hanging out in the produce department at the grocery makes one a cabbage. But gathering with other Jesus followers in the regular practice of corporate worship is an important part of the larger life of a follower. In the context of living a life of love, worship gives believers the opportunity to publicly praise God and be equipped and energized for a faithful life beyond the weekly gathering. One element of that gathering is often music of some kind. Whether ‘traditional’ or ‘contemporary,’ instrumental or vocal, many voices or one, music lifts our praise to God and opens our hearts to God’s movement. Music in the key of faith moves us into God’s holy presence, and it’s there that real worship happens. Worship Link:

Travel Light

Travel Light Guest speaker: Rhonda Tamulonis Scripture: Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Worship Link:

Fishes & Loaves

What is your first reaction to a new problem that presents itself? Are you quick to think through a problem, evaluate potential solutions, and then dig into solving it? Or does a problem tend to stop you in your tracks, and you find that you easily throw up your hands in defeat? Maybe you tend towards excuses and finger-pointing. Some of us are more naturally gifted problem-solvers than others. Some of us take longer to come up with a plan than others. But we all have one resource available to us when confronted with a problem or need - Jesus! When the disciples found themselves without a solution to a really big problem, Jesus came through for them and the crowd. What dilemma could Jesus help you with today? Worship Link:

Fish Stories : Father's Day

What incredible, almost impossible-to-believe event has happened in your life? What has blown your mind with wonder and joy? What has stretched your understanding of God at work in the world? So much is wrong in the world, and we all experience regular disappointments, setbacks, and failures. But every once in a while, if we will keep our eyes and hearts open, God gives us a glimpse of all that is possible with God. A miraculous catch of fish gave the first followers of Jesus a sneak peak at the fullness of life possible with Jesus. Where are you catching a peak of God's goodness, provision, and abundance? Worship Link:

Hurry Up & Wait

How many times have you waited... and waited... and waited at the school or the gym or the soccer field to pick up your child? How many minutes (maybe hours or days) do you suppose you've spent waiting on hold for "the next available customer service representative?" What is your limit for waiting on a table at your favorite restaurant - 20 minutes? 30? An hour? What about waiting on God? The Psalmist encourages us to 'wait on God alone for our salvation,' (Psalm 62:1) but when your world comes crashing down around you, you'd be glad to have help from wherever it might come! When we don't see God at work; when we've prayed and prayed without answer; when we've asked, talked, and bartered with God but nothing seems to be happening, we can be inclined to think that God is absent - that God hasn't heard our prayers, doesn't care about our plight, and isn't going to send the aid we so desperately need. But waiting for God is different than waiting for a person at the help desk. God can be trusted to act because God has shown God's self to be faithful and loving and merciful. And that's what a faithful, loving, merciful God does - acts with love, compassion and mercy. The help desk? Well... Worship Link:


To how many people are you connected? 20, 50, 200? Our social media accounts would possibly suggest many hundreds. We count those people among our friends, family, co-workers, acquaintances, and neighbors. In the church and in the United Methodist tribe, in particular, we are also connected to many hundreds of thousands, even millions, through the trust we have in Jesus and the commitment we have to the United Methodist Church. Worship Link:

Never Give Up!

Feel like you’re running out of gas? Have you ever felt like giving up? Life can be hard. It’s not always easy to do the right thing – and it can feel lonely when we try. We’re tempted to think everyone else has it figured out. The book of Hebrews encourages us to never give up even when things are tough. There’s something beyond your current circumstances and a reason to keep going – a reason to hope. If you’ve ever felt like giving up or know someone who is ready to give up, you won’t want to miss this message! – “Never Give Up!” Worship Link:

We have passed by Mother's Day on the calendar, and so in this part of the country, we are seeing gardens come to life! The Garden Center at your local home improvement store is as busy as it gets, gardeners are getting their seedlings in, and even the least inclined among us gives thought to putting out a tomato plant or two. And we know that only what is planted, nurtured, and fed will produce good things. The same is true of our own inner life. Only what we plant, nurture, and feed every day will grow in us. Will it be good fruit or something sour or misshaped? The Holy Spirit invites us to produce good fruit every day. What are you growing in your spirit? Worship Link:

Everyday Faith: Nothing to Prove

Life is hard. We all face countless demands and pressures every day. Many of these are from other people, and sometimes they come from our own selves. We live in a world where are called to do more, be more, produce more, have more. As followers of Jesus, we struggle to balance all of the doing with the desire we have for a faith that brings peace, calm, and contentment. We feel called to prove that we are worthy and that we bring value to the world and the lives we interact with. Jesus simply calls us to himself. Take heart, with Jesus we have nothing to prove. With Jesus we already have and are enough - every day... Worship Link:

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