Leader Amongst Us: Community Recognizes Saundra Brown

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A steel-strong woman. An amazing teacher. A shining asset in our community. In case you missed the May 19 edition of the Indianapolis Recorder, let us catch you up! Our own Saundra Brown was recently featured in that newspaper for receiving the David Hanna Golden Touch Award by the...

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Tags: award, indiana, indianapolis, indianápolis, teacher, union chapel, united methodist church, volunteer, ista, community leader, washington township, saundra brown

New Saturday Night Lenten Series: The Arts Abbey

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The Arts Abbey: Where Spirituality, Arts, and Community Connect Mark your calendar for this 5-Saturday series -- a unique opportunity to discover the spiritual side of the Arts. Free and family-friendly. Childcare and light meals available at each event. In this Saturday Series, there will...

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Radical Hospitality: A How To Guide

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Jesus came not to be served, but to serve.  Welcoming the stranger isn't optional. It's an essential, Christ-like act. To be fair, it’s natural to get caught up in visiting the people we haven’t seen all week in the minutes before and after church services. However...

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Rupert Boneham Named Director of Youth Ministries/Outreach

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Rupert Boneham is probably a familiar face in your household. If your child is involved in youth ministries at Union Chapel, he's about to be even more familiar!  Known to the world for more than a decade as fan-favorite "Rupert", from the reality television show Survivor, Boneham has...

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Tags: indiana, indianapolis, indianápolis, survivor, united methodist church, rupert boneham, union chapel youth, rupert's kids

Now What?

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What WAS that? Sunday, January 22nd was a landmark in the history of this church -- a joyous culmination of our rebranding process which, in my 30 years as a public relations professional, is memorable as a uniquely congenial transition. God's hands were definitely in the work.  Wait...Why...

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As Union Chapel moves into the future, we take a moment to appreciate where we've been. Our history is rich, the faith of our forefathers reaching back to Indiana's "pioneer days." Here, we present episode four of five. If you've found yourself in the middle of the story, the other installments...

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Tags: chapel, history, indiana, indianapolis, indianápolis, union, united methodist church

Union Chapel to Welcome Preschool

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The Pitter-Patter of Many Little Feet... Union Chapel, already home to the Indiana Fine Arts Academy, will welcome the Northeast Cooperative Preschool (NCP) in the fall of 2017. This partnership was approved by the Church's Unified Council at its December meeting. NCP...

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